Monday, September 29, 2008

How Much Is Too Much ?

I want to share with you, a recent experience of one of my students. She is a vibrant young girl who has just stepped into the field of Consulting , and is very responsible and eager to help each and every of her client to the best of her abilities.

On one of the usual evenings a worried girl entered her cabin........She had come in for a weight-loss consultation and on noting the primary details, was found to be 80kg for a height of 5feet 3inches........... being overweight was the biggest of worries and counseling her to inculcate good eating habits was going to be not only a tough job but a slow process too.........
The girl came from a lower socio-economic strata of the society and finding healthy options for such clients is really tough keeping in mind that there are very limited alternatives available.

On taking her personal, medical and family history, my young friend found nothing that was too off track , which could have resulted in this weight gain at this young an age.
Later, on questioning the girl about her lifestyle, all the picture became as clear as a crystal.

This girl had a family of 5 people and for their otherwise very simple lifestyle were using a WHOPPING 15 lts of oil each month. On digging deep, this heavy use of oil was one thing that was making their simple food so tasty............. or that is exactly what they felt.

I have extended all my best wishes to my young dietitian friend, as her job now is to educate the lady of this house first and the resultant effects on the family will surely follow.

After listening to this incident, I felt the most sincere urge to write on this issue because I think it will be most important for all of us to stop....... and have a look at our oil consumption as well.

There is a very simple calculation about how much is enough and I have seen in my practise that a large number of people don't know about it.

Every, otherwise normal, individual requires about 3-4 tsp of oil every day. This allowance can be used to make the tempering ( tadka), or added to cereal flour or in can be used in any other convenient way.
So, calculations for a family of 4 people for a month will require:

4 x4tsp of oil each day = 4 x 20 ml of oil each day = 80 ml per day
For one month, 80ml x 30 days = 2400 ml = 2.4 lt
  • A family of 5 should use around 3 lt of oil per month.
  • A family of 6................................. 3.6 lt ------"------
  • A family of 8................................. 4.8 lt ------"------
  • A family of 10............................... 6 lt --------"------

I think now every one of us can ..........take a deep breath.......... and apply this simple formula to individual family needs and cross check if you are on the right track !!!!!!

Hoping the result of these calculations are right for each of your families...........
Happy Eating, Healthy Eating !!!!!!!


Unknown said...

have started reading ur blog.. enjoyin dem.. looking forward for more posts,will contribute for the same..

Anonymous said...

You should also tell the benifits of using Olive Oil. Even if you DONT decrease teh consumtion of oil BUT change the Oil that you consume, it would make a lot of difference.
Olive Oil (Specifically Virgin Olive Oil) is BEST for the body, helps reduce LDL and thus increases the HDL:LDL ratio, this is very important for your heart.

Anonymous said...


I agree that olive oil has great health benefits but there is a big BUT!!!
I will not agree that the entire consumption of oil should be replaced by olive oil.
The brand of oil that can be recommended to any family is decided upon the methods of cooking they implement.
And also the oil is chosen depending upon the smoking point of the oil.
Although olive oil helps in improving the HDL:LDL ratio it should be noted here that olive oil loses all its benefits if it is heated.
It can be best used in food which is not cooked in the oil.
In Indian traditional cooking, we start with "heating the oil", which can render the olive oil harmful !!!
So..... I would personally not recommend any one brand but will give choices to any family depending upon their cooking methods
and keeping in mind any existing medical problem if any. Exactly the reason why i will end up giving different choices of oils to different people.

Happy Reading,
