We have seen before that there are a few key nutrients which can help us in fighting stress and help us to handle it in a better way!
Let us now incorporate it as some diet tips to fight stress.
1) The first and the most important thing to follow is to have an eating routine or pattern. If the body is fed at regular intervals and according to its daily routine, it will automatically cut down the irritation levels and fluctuating sugar levels which almost always bring mood swings with them. The more the balanced blood sugar levels, the lesser the irritation and mood swings, the lesser the chances of one getting into simple pressures and stresses . Plus this also increases your productivity and helps you to stay calm and make better decisions on the work front. All this obviously will add to reducing the pressures and eventually the stress that they will produce.
This will especially help all the "Managers and Professionals" who keep on telling me time and again that they do not find time to eat when they are at work. I will like to tell them that they should regard their food equally important and I am sure this eating routine will help them fare better in stressful situations.
2) We have also mentioned before that at least 30 to 45 minutes of some exercise dai
ly will help the body to have the "feel good " hormone running in our blood streams. This surely helps fighting stress as this will improve our reaction and response to all the stressors.

3) Many people resort to or unknowingly get into a habit of having some or the other addictive
drink. This will include all the cola drinks, carbonated drinks, all the cups of tea and coffee that you may consume during the day. The "Caffeine" in all these is habit forming and is also a chemical stimulator to the body. It is seen that people actually have withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking these drinks. So.............. it is in the favor of health that the intake of Caffeine has to be brought to the minimum.

The several cups of tea and coffee and colas can be easily replaced by more healthier drinks like green tea, herbal teas, vegetable juices, thin buttermilk, lemonade , ginger-ale. I find that there are a few work places that actually have started offering these alternatives to their employees. It is up to all of us to make them available at our workplace as well.
4) Replacing the refined flour "phulkas" and white breads with healthy unrefined "rotis" or "rotla's" or "bhakris" traditionally made from native cereal flours like Bajra, Jowar, Nachani etc will help to bring in the necessary fibre, trace minerals and vitamins and of course the variety to the food to fight stress. Many shops also offer a variety of brown rice that can be easily replaced with our regular polished white rice. Adding fine quality wheat bran or rice bran to regular phulkas or rotis can improve the fibre content of the diet.
5) Another important thing is to try and include at least one seasonal fruit in your daily food
regime. Using regional and seasonal fruits and vegetables will help in providing many important antioxidants and necessary nutrients to fight stress. An ideal diet should contain 4 to 7 exchanges of fruit and vegetables every day. If we just happen to jot down our last 2 days food intake, I think the obvious answer to better our diet regime would be to include more of fruits and vegetables.

6) Including enough proteins in our daily food like whole and split pulses (daals), dairy products and lean white meat is also very important to balance the food and gives excellent satiety value to food.
7) We just seem to have forgotten eating nuts and oil seeds as an healthy evening snack. These can act as a very very healthy evening snack, easy to carry, will help to fight the evening cravings and thus keep away from the tantalizing junk alternatives. A handful of roasted "chana", some peanuts, 2-4 almonds, handful of pumpkin seeds, 1-2 halves of walnuts can serve as an excellent evening snack, full of antioxidants and nutrients, to fight stress.
Also, traditional peanut, sesame seed, poppy seed, dry coconut and flax seed chutneys with food are excellent adjuncts that can be included to provide the necessary stress busters.
8) The last one on this list but a very important tip would be ........................... It is absolutely alright to include a multivitamin supplement ( Vit B complex plus some important vitamins and minerals) available at the chemist for a few days , if you know that you would be facing stressful times. And they can be anything from an exam, some family crisis, stressful situation at the job, too much travelling ...........or even getting married ;)............ It is always better to be well equipped than running into trouble later..........!!!!!!!
I was wondering that why the blog is not getting updated with new post and about to check with you today.
The information this time is focused and gives a very clear instructions which can be followed and there is no need to assume or think.
I have tried to stop the consumption of Tea for navratri and had too much of headache and I assume is the withdrawal symptom. I started the tea again and all issues went off. But I resumed my daily intake with the first day and these days I am consuming Tea more than I used to.
Let me try cutting it down from today and see what are the effects.
A post on what are the withdrawal symptoms and help to get rid of those will help
Warm Regards
Usually, lighting up a cigarette is considered as a good stress buster mostly by youngsters with little knowledge of wat is it exactly dng inside ur body..cigarette temporarily increases blood sugar levels for few minutes n this supposedly elevates mood but wat goes up has to come down...within next few minutes this blood sugar level comes down crashing making u feel more stressed out...n these frequent ups and downs also add up on those unwanted kgs in weight....so i think, the stress busters written in this blog should be given a thought and implemented..!!!
Hi Shraddha,
Just was interested to know if ur profession is a 'dietician.'
Ur analysis nd suggestions r very very apt. Also u have given very practical nd doable solutions.
I will definitely try to incorporate in my daily diet plan
Good job
Hi Shraddha,
Just was interested to know if ur profession is a 'dietician.'
Ur analysis nd suggestions r very very apt. Also u have given very practical nd doable solutions.
I will definitely try to incorporate in my daily diet plan
Good job
Hi Shraddha,
Just was interested to know if ur profession is a 'dietician.'
Ur analysis nd suggestions r very very apt. Also u have given very practical nd doable solutions.
I will definitely try to incorporate in my daily diet plan
Good job
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