Our Modern lifestyle today has created quiet a few health problems for us and has unbalanced the "Tripod of Health".
With booming industrialization in the last century, the world has really changed and has moved closer too. This has lead to the import and export of foodstuff and availability of newer foods to such an extent that foods are available in the market round the year. No Longer do we get foods which are "Seasonal".
This definitely has influenced our palates and our eating pattern too.
On the other side, this also introduced us to foods from other countries which are now easily available in our markets.
With booming industrialization in the last century, the world has really changed and has moved closer too. This has lead to the import and export of foodstuff and availability of newer foods to such an extent that foods are available in the market round the year. No Longer do we get foods which are "Seasonal".
This definitely has influenced our palates and our eating pattern too.
On the other side, this also introduced us to foods from other countries which are now easily available in our markets.
One such wonderful addition is the "Green Tea" and is very easily available on the counters today. Green tea is one thing that should find a place in our kitchens, invariably. Green Tea can help us in getting our lifestyle back on track in this Modern age as it offers loads of health benefits.
Health Benefits of Green tea:
Stress reliever and a Mood Regulator: L-Theanine, an amino acid naturally found in green tea, readily crosses the blood-brain barrier and changes brain chemistry in a way that has been compared to aromatherapy. Studies show that theanine is a non-toxic, highly desirable mood modulator that can be enjoyed by everyone except babies.
As an Effective Cancer blocker: The studies of how green tea affects cancerous cells are still in their infancy, there have been human trials which indicate that it does inhibit cells from developing cancer.
Stabilizes cholesterol levels: Researchers believe that green tea lowers the cholesterol levels by reducing its absorption in your digestive tract and increasing the rate of which it is excreted.
Prevents cardiovascular disease: A Japanese study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed significant reductions in deaths from cardiovascular disease among green tea drinkers.
Can Promote weight loss: Both green tea and green tea extract have been shown to fight obesity and lower LDL cholesterol – both of which ultimately lead to a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes. The polyphenols in green tea are extremely useful for dissolving triglycerides, a substance in the liver and small intestine made up of mostly sugar and fat, and this is thought to be the reason green tea benefits fat loss. EGCG(Methylated epigallocatechin gallate) is also known to stimulate the metabolism and accelerate weight loss. When combined with the caffeine in green tea, this causes your central nervous system to release fat into the bloodstream to be used as fuel which burns your body fat off.
Boosts your immune system: Catechins, the antioxidant polyphenol compounds found in green tea help in improving the immune system. Research conducted by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in 2003 revealed that L-theanine, boosted the activity of the gamma delta T cells that form part of our adaptive and innate immunity. The study followed a group of coffee drinkers and a group of tea drinkers who each drank 600ml of their drink daily. Blood samples taken four weeks later quite clearly showed that production of anti-bacterial proteins were five times higher in those drinking tea.
Helps in Rheumatoid arthritis: Study results reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that polyphenol antioxidants in green tea benefits suffers of arthritis by reducing the incidence and severity of the disease by reducing cartilage destruction and reduces joint swelling and pain.
Can Reduces tooth decay: Antibacterial properties found in green tea are also used by your body to kill the bacteria that causes plaque on your teeth. Research by the Journal of Periodontology has also shown that for every cup of green tea you drink, there is a decrease in indicators for gum disease. Fluoride is also found in green tea which helps to protect against cavities.
Fights the cause of allergies in your body: EGCG has been shown to block a cells receptor involved in producing an allergic response. By blocking the production of histamine and immunoglobulin E (IgE), two compounds in the body that are chiefly involved in triggering and sustaining allergic reactions, EGCG could very well be the compound which prevents you from having watery eyes, sneezing and coughing.
Other benefits which are still being studied are :Use of green tea in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Skin and Aging.
Thus, Green Tea deserves an inclusion in our day-to-day routine and can give us a helping hand in coping with our Modern Lifestyles.
Cheers!!! to a cup of Health !!!